GSA Resources
Local and national GSA networks
Want to receive support for your school’s GSA from Freedom Oklahoma? Register your GSA here and scroll down on that page to add any events your GSA holds to our calendar!
GSA Network Homepage - Register your GSA with the National GSA Network to connect with upcoming events and access trainings, toolkits, and other resources
GSA Network Student Handbook - An annual resource that includes info on how to ensure your GSA runs smoothly and how to organize & take action in your school or community
GSA Network Advisor Handbook - Learn about the advisor role and discover how to sustain and strengthen your GSA with a values guide, storytelling resources, and a list of FAQs
Camp Fire Green Country - Operates in Tulsa-area schools and offers in- and after-school small-group club programs, youth leadership programs, and camp & outdoor programs
Racial and Educational Justice
Indigenizing Love: A Toolkit for Native Youth to Build Inclusion - Includes two informational modules, seven activities, three Two-Spirit leadership profiles, and over 100 links, videos, and resources that Native youth can use to initiate conversation, reclaim language and culture, and implement community change
Intersectionality Triangle - A short comic that helps to explain the concept of intersectionality, a term coined in 1989 by professor Kimberlé Crenshaw
GSAs and Racial Educational Justice - A toolkit from the Colorado GSA Network that provides a variety of activities, discussion topics, and tools for GSAs to use in order to examine intersections of identity and the concepts of privilege, power, and oppression, while encouraging personal reflection and inspiring community engagement
Building Cultural Responsiveness: A Toolkit for Youth-Serving Professionals - This guide from Advocates for Youth contains an overview of cultural responsiveness, a training course that professionals can use to examine, assess, and improve their organization’s cultural responsiveness, group activities that can help build responsiveness, and relevant resources
Resources for Anti-Racism and Equity Education - A list of resources compiled by the 50 State Afterschool Network and hosted on Google Sheets which includes resources for staff of youth-serving programs, lesson plans, guides for talking to children and youth about race, and lists of books and films that cover various topics related to anti-racism and equity
Anti-Racism Toolkit - From the Student Advocacy Center of Michigan, review steps you can take towards anti-racist organizing and explore several resources for educators
Anti-Racism Resource Library - This page, curated by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, links you to resources on a variety of topics including clinical resources, racism as a public health crisis, racism and mental health, resources for adults and kids, and a number of relevant groups that the AACAP is partnered with
Anti-Racism Resource Guide: Youth Organizing - Cal State University East Bay’s Anti-Racist Resources are expansive, and include three titles on youth organizing, along with titles on topics like the school-to-prison pipeline, white fragility, unlearning racism, and more
Youth-Led Community Organizing - Access a curriculum unit on the past, present, and future of youth-led community organizing in Connecticut or explore other teaching guides, lesson plans, webinars, and additional resources from the Anti-Racist Teaching and Learning Collective
Practices to Build Anti-Racist and Affirming Schools - This fact sheet from the Education Law Center of Pennsylvania addresses ways in which school communities can implement various practices and policies to address racial discrimination and create an affirming, anti-racist climate
Out Youth Anti-Racist Practices - A Google Doc detailing the practices that Out Youth, an Austin-based organization that promotes the well-being of LGBTQIA+ youth, has developed in order to purposefully identify, discuss, and challenge racial discrimination and the impact discrimination has on BIPOC in their organization and their larger community
Anti-Racist Alliance: Commitments - Read about the commitments that the Anti-Racist Alliance, a program of America’s Promise Alliance, developed in order to facilitate anti-racist changes within their organization while maintaining a level of flexibility that would allow organizations to customize each commitment to the contexts in which they operate
Research, Data, and recommendations
2015 US Trans Survey Results - The complete report on the survey conducted in 2015 on over 25,000 respondents which provides an understanding of the lives and experiences of transgender people living in the US
2022 US Trans Survey Early Insights - A first look into the findings from the second US Trans Survey, conducted in 2022 on over 90,000 respondents, designed to offer expanded and updated insight into the experiences of transgender people living in the US
Prism Project: Youth Experiences - Info from the 2019 report assessing Tulsa’s LGBTQ+ community— includes experiences in schools and awareness of anti-discrimination policies
Prism Project Recommendations - Details ways that educators, youth-serving agencies, policymakers, and other groups can work to combat the discrimination faced by gender & sexual minorities and foster acceptance & inclusion
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