Resources for Coming out

Terms, Definitions, And Guides

Gender Unicorn Diagram - Helps explain the differences between gender identity and expression, sex assigned at birth, sexual and romantic orientation

GSA Network: Gender & Sexuality Terms - Created to help GSAs develop a common language and understand terms used within various communities

GLSEN: Pronoun Usage - A guide created by GLSEN to help anyone learn how to use people’s correct pronouns

NRCYS: Cisgender Privilege Checklist - A checklist to help individuals better understand systemic transphobia by considering their own experiences

The Trevor Project: The Coming Out Handbook - Explore what coming out means to you with tools and guiding questions (PDF version available to download at the bottom of the page)

Youth Services Tulsa: A Mini Guide to Coming Out - Offers some things to consider when thinking about coming out, especially to family

Coping and connection

99 Coping Skills - Explore a list of various coping skills compiled by Your Life Your Voice from Boys Town National Hotline

Coping with Gender Dysphoria - A list of 24 different coping strategies, some specific to coping with gender dysphoria and some general, put together by QLife, an Australian peer support and referral service

P.A.U.S.E. Self De-Escalation - A simple guide to help you identify, assess, and understand your emotions when you are feeling dysregulated, triggered, or upset

Pods and Pod Mapping Worksheet - Learn about “pods,” a term developed in 2014 by the Bay Area Transformative Justice Collective, and complete an activity that can help you consider the people in your life with whom you have respectful, trusting, and reciprocal relationships with

Queer Liberation Library - Apply online for a free library card that will give you access to QLL’s collection of ebooks and audiobooks showcasing “the diversity of queer lives and imaginations,” all hosted on the free Libby app

DPLA’s Banned Books Club - The Digital Public Library of America offers readers access to ebook versions of banned books via a virtual library card on the free Palace app, which uses your location in order to offer the titles that have been banned near you

It Gets Better - This ongoing project works to uplift, empower, and connect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) youth around the globe

National Queer Asian & Pacific Islander Alliance - An organization that empowers LGBTQ+ Asians and Pacific Islanders through community capacity building, policy advocacy, and  resource development

2spirit Youth - An online community created by 2spirit youth, celebrating Two-Spirit joy and resurgence within communities across Canada

Trans Student Educational Resources - A youth-led organization dedicated to transforming the educational environment for trans and gender non-conforming students through advocacy and empowerment.  

Trans Athlete - A resource for students, athletes, coaches, and administrators to find information about trans inclusion in athletics at various levels of play

The Trevor Project - Call, text, or chat online 24/7, 7 days a week with the leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention nonprofit for LGBTQ+ youth, and you’ll be connected to counselors trained to understand the challenges that LGBTQ+ young people face and provide anonymous support where as much or as little as an individual likes can be shared

TrevorSpace: the Trevor Project’s online community (for youth ages 13-24) - Explore your identity, get advice, find support groups, and make friends in an international, moderated social space intentionally designed for LGBTQ+ youth

The LGBT National Youth Talkline (ages 25 and under) - Call Mon-Fri from 3p-11p and from 11a-4p on Saturdays CST or utilize the Online Peer Support Chat during the same operating hours as the Talkline to connect with a support volunteer that identifies within the LGBTQIA+ community, will provide peer support, and can connect you to local resources

The LGBT National Coming Out Support Hotline (all ages) - Call during the same operating hours as the Youth Talkline or utilize the Online Peer Support Chat to connect with a support volunteer that identifies within the LGBTQIA+ community and can talk to you about anything you have questions about or need support for around the coming-out process

The LGBT National Hotline’s Youth Chatrooms (for ages 19 and under) - Visit two moderated chat rooms run by the LGBT National Hotline: The LGBTQ Teens Chatroom, open Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 6pm-10pm CST, and the Trans Teens Chatroom, open Thursdays & Fridays, also from 6pm-10pm CST

Trans Lifeline - Call Mon-Fri 12pm-8pm CST to speak to a trans/nonbinary peer operator trained to provide you support while maintaining full anonymity & confidentiality and avoiding engaging in non-consensual active rescue (calling 911, law enforcement, or emergency services without your permission)

Visit our Healthcare and Mental Health Resources page for more.

Faith-based resources

The National LGBT Task Force: Queering Faith - An organization working to uplift the narrative that LGBTQ people exist as shapers of their religious communities that offers a year-long leadership training program for transgender, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming individuals pursuing formal careers in religious life

MASGD - An organization that works to support, empower, and connect LGBTQ+ Muslims

What Happens When a Queer Muslim Meets a Lesbian Reverend? - This uplifting episode of PBS’s Brave Spaces webseries follows the founder of the Queer Muslim Network and the senior pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church (both located in Toronto, ON) as they share space, worship, and discuss reconciling queerness and faith

PFLAG: National Faith Resources - A landing page for several of PFLAG’s resources for people of faith, including Christians, Jews, Muslims, Interfaith/Non-Denominational Communities, and other faith communities

research and data

Prism Project: Youth Experiences - Info from the 2019 report assessing Tulsa’s LGBTQ+ community— includes bright spots, challenges, and more

Prism Project: Family & Community Experiences - Includes info about experiences with immediate family, religious communities, law enforcement

The Trevor Project Research Brief: Gender-Affirming Care for Youth (2020) - This brief reviews the empirical (observed or experienced) evidence about the social, medical, and legal outcomes of youth access to gender-affirming care, with recommendations on how transgender and nonbinary youth can best be supported

Five Things to Know About Gender-Affirming Health Care - An article from the ACLU discussing the 2021 care ban passed in Arkansas and listing five excerpts from personal testimonies and briefs that were submitted for the first court hearing addressing the constitutionality of bans on gender-affirming care

What is gender-affirming care? - The Association of American Medical Colleges answers common questions about gender-affirming care and quotes several physicians

What to Know About Gender-Affirming Care for Younger Patients - This article from the American Medical Association discusses pediatric care for transgender youth, talks about defining gender-affirming care, explains the importance of autonomy, and links to another AMA article about the dangers transphobic legislation poses for medical care at large

Resources for Families

LGBTQ Youth & Family Resources - Learn about why family acceptance matters and find services and support near you, along with key resources including crisis & support lines, culture-based resources, evidence-based resources, faith-based resources, and national resources

PFLAG: Find a Chapter - Connect with a local chapter of the longest running organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and their families

Desi Rainbow - A space for South Asian parents and families of LGBTQ+ individuals to find community

Coming Out: Information for Parents of LGBTQ Teens - An article about a variety of steps parents and families can take to affirm and support their child as and after they come out

Stand With Trans - Dedicated to providing the tools needed by transgender youth so they will be empowered, supported and validated as they transition to their authentic life by developing programs, educational events and support groups, including a network of Ally Parents

Parenting Trans and Nonbinary Youth | OSU Extension - This guide from Oklahoma State University can help you think through ways to make your home or other space a more welcoming and healthy place for people with diverse genders.

7 Ways to Be a Better Ally to LGBTQIA+ Parents - A list of ways that you can support, celebrate, and advocate for LGBTQIA+ parents

COLAGE - An organization dedicated to supporting people with one or more LGBTQ+ caregivers, uniting them with a network of peers and supporting them as they nurture and empower each other to be skilled, self-confident, and just leaders in their communities

QueerSpawn Resource Project - A project that works to construct more spaces where queerspawn (people with one or more LGBTQ+ parents/guardians) and their perspectives are welcomed and valued by providing education about their identities, histories, and needs, broadening communal and organizational support for queerspawn, and increasing access to resources that validate queerspawn’s experiences
