Resources on school policy and student rights

Policy recommendations

GLSEN: Model Laws & Policies - Beyond this webpage, GLSEN has resources on federal, state, and local policy, general policy resources, and a guide intended to assist in advocacy efforts to pass & implement comprehensive policies that combat discriminatory state legislation

Gender Spectrum: Gender Inclusive School Resources - Training materials, curriculum resources, info on bathroom policies, as well as articles, links, videos, and tools for creating gender inclusive schools are all available here

HRC: A Guide for Supporting Transgender Students - This guide includes basic information about gender, practical considerations for supporting students, policy recommendations for various aspects of school life, and information about the legal landscape for transgender students

US Dept. of Ed: Supporting LGBTQI+ Students & their Families - Includes examples of policies and practices that schools and districts can develop to support LGBTQI+ students and families, including federal resources

Prism Project Recommendations - Details ways that educators, youth-serving agencies, policymakers and other groups can work to combat the discrimination faced by gender & sexual minorities and foster acceptance & inclusion

Research and Data

Prism Project: Youth Experiences - Info from the 2019 report assessing Tulsa’s LGBTQ+ community— includes experiences in schools and awareness of anti-discrimination policies

Ruth Ellis Center & HRC: Youth Survey Data - Results and considerations from a 2017 survey that collected the experiences of over 6,300 Latinx/Latine, Black and African American, and Asian and Pacific Islander LGBTQ+ youth ages 13-17

NAIS and Gender Spectrum: Transgender Students and School Bathrooms - A guide for school leaders to reduce misunderstandings and conflict by raising awareness and educating their constituencies about gender diversity, features some of the frequently asked questions about transgender students using bathrooms consistent with their gender identity

2015 US Trans Survey Results - The complete report on the survey conducted in 2015 on over 25,000 respondents which provides an understanding of the lives and experiences of transgender people living in the US

2022 US Trans Survey Early Insights - A first look into the findings from the second US Trans Survey, conducted in 2022 on over 90,000 respondents, designed to offer expanded and updated insight into the experiences of transgender people living in the US

student rights and additional resources

ACLU: Know Your Rights as Students - Details federal rights afforded to LGBTQ students (Note: state laws, local ordinances, and school policies may vary from the information contained in this webpage)

NCTE: Know Your Rights in Schools - Explains students’ rights at school, gives suggestions on what to do if a student experiences bullying or discrimination (including details about filing a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education), details what laws protect transgender students from discrimination and how those laws do so

A Guide to Updating and Amending School Records - FAQ about student’s rights under FERPA (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), a federal law which allows transgender students, both current and former, to change their name and gender marker on their educational records (Note: state laws, local ordinances, and school policies may vary from the information contained in this webpage)

US Dept. of Ed: Resources for LGBTQ+ Students (Wayback Machine Archive) - Contains the link to file a complaint with the US Dept. of Ed’s Office of Civil Rights, information about the 2024 Final Rule Amending Title IX Regulations, and various resources from federal agencies including executive orders from the White House, memorandums from the Dept. of Justice, federal court decisions, recent federal court filings, and more

FAQ about 2016 Withdrawal of Federal Guidance on Title IX - Put out in May of 2016 when the Trump administration said they would roll back the Title IX Guidance, and may provide some useful information concerning the current enjoinment on the Final Title IX Rule, but further research and legal guidance is still needed around the Final Ruling enjoinment

Queer Caucus: Teaching for Belonging - A guide designed to help teachers and students navigate the world of anti-LGBTQ+, and specifically anti-trans, legislation and school policies; the full guide can be downloaded through this link, and a summary of the full guide can be downloaded in zine form for easy distribution

Trans Student Educational Resources - A youth-led organization dedicated to transforming the educational environment for trans and gender non-conforming students through advocacy and empowerment.  

Trans Athlete - A resource for students, athletes, coaches, and administrators to find information about trans inclusion in athletics at various levels of play

Visit our GSA Resources page for more.


