November 2024 Update
We need your vision, your voice, and your practice of hope.
November is a heavy month for so many of us. There’s some sense of despair up and down the ballot as election day nears. There’s Trans Week of Awareness leading up to the annual Trans Day of Remembrance, where we continue to evolve our revolutionary practice of collective grieving and recommitment to safety. And, it can often be a check box of naming violence without any room to actually share that grief or safety building. There’s an annual celebration of genocide, the white-washed narrative of settler colonialism as good in the face of the ongoing impacts and harms of that settler colonization on the many tribal nations and peoples that are still here, still thriving, in the face of genocide, erasure, removal, and occupation. All in the face of a season that should be restful and instead is often a ramping up of capitalist greed as we’re asked to engage in collective exploitation of labor and acquisition of things in the pursuit of having the most things. It’s a time in which hope as a discipline, for me at least, requires a lot more intentionality.
So, as we kick off another November, I want to share with you how I’m working to disrupt the sense of despair that looms heavy this time of year. It starts with what’s at the heart of this work for me, which is community and strategic futurism–I find hope in the things we’re building together, in figuring out how we get closer to the future where we’re all free, where we all have the safety to thrive, as our whole selves in all of the places we call home. Right now, one of the spaces that’s helping give me language for some of that future building is The Dyke Project, a trans, cis and non-binary dyke collective, particularly from their manifesto and the idea that “We want it all! We want it all and we won’t wait!”. I think it lands for me because so often folks expect and ask that we make our hopes small, that we temper our dreams, that we compromise on behalf of the most historically marginalized and excluded members of our communities and call maintaining the power of the status quo progress. But making our futures fit within the framework of a narrative that envisions a continued maintenance of power within systems meant to harm and exclude us does not align with our Freedom Oklahoma values. There’s not hope in that space.
There’s hope in building a future that envisions our collective liberation. There’s hope in radical reimaginings. There’s hope in seeing other folks organizing and putting those words and visions out in the world and collaborating and making them real. There’s hope in saying we want it all and WE WON’T WAIT. We want a free Palestine, a free Congo, a free Sudan, a free Tigray, a free Turtle Island. Where we share our resources, because there’s more than enough for all of us when we share. Where we work for our collective well being. Where we listen to the stewards of the places we have occupied and work to heal our relationships with the land as our first most urgent priorities. Heal our relationships with one another through that work.
It’s November. And I’m holding space for what’s heavy, and I’m not letting it disrupt my practice of hope. I want it all, for all of us, and I want it now.
Read the rest of this newsletter for some of the ways you can plug into that future building space, can practice hope, in community alongside us. We need you. We need your vision, your voice, and your practice of hope.
In solidarity,
Nicole McAfee (they/she) - Executive Director
Important Links and updates:
November Community Groups
We’ve got a November packed with events! Come chat about what's happening around OK, and let us know how to support you.
This month is Indigenous Heritage Month, and we’ll be going over groups and resources relating to heritage, history, current events, and advocacy during the Student Group. Participants are welcome to join when/as they are able.
Full Schedule:
Educators, Teachers, + School Staff: Tue, Nov 12th 4:30-5:30 pm
Parents, Guardians, + Caregivers: Wed, Nov 13th 4:30-5:30 pm
Students + Youth: Thurs, Nov 14th 4:30-5:30 pm
GSA for Gender Justice Day
Oklahoma Youth, our young adult interns want to highlight this month's national day of action for GSAs: GSA Day for Gender Justice. This year, all GSAs are called to this November 14th mobilization to demand comprehensive education that reflects the histories and needs of trans, nonbinary, and gender-diverse people. Learn more here.
Register your GSA with Freedom Oklahoma at to have the most up-to-date information for your local GSA.
The People's Hearing: Miami
Our next stop in the People's Hearing Series is Miami, OK at the Miami Public Library on Tuesday, November 19th from 5-7 PM. We have invited State Department of Education board members, each of whom is an appointee of Kevin Stitt and not accountable or in touch with our communities, to attend a community listening session so they can hear directly from you about your concerns. This session is open to all; students, teachers, parents, and concerned community members.
We understand that the regular monthly State Board of Education meetings being held in OKC during a workday are not accessible to many and the fact that they can only allow for ten speakers, makes it even harder for our voices to be heard. Even more, Oklahomans outside of OKC have less access to the physical meeting and meeting livestream. The People's Hearing is an opportunity to share your concerns, joys, and hopes for public schools in Oklahoma
TDoR Virtual Vigil
We’ll be hosting a virtual vigil space to honor those we have lost through violence in this past year. Whether through physical violence, or systemic oppression that keeps us from accessing what we need to have the safety to thrive, we lose 2STGNC+ lives at significantly higher rates. We know that in-person spaces are not always accessible to everyone, so we hope to ensure that everyone will have a space to share in community and hold one another.
There will be space for folks to share (speech, spoken word/poetry, visual art via pdf, etc) while we also honor the lives we have lost near and far this last year. We will also have a slideshow of submissions from our Love Letters to Trans Oklahomans series. Attendees will also get a sneak peak of the community-made Love Letters to Nex, with submissions from all over the state of Oklahoma. We look forward to sharing in community and care with you Wednesday, November 20th, from 6-7pm!
the heART of the work: a TDoR gathering
We’ll be hosting heART of the work in Tulsa on Friday, November 22nd from 6-8pm to share in community, art, music, and joy with one another to celebrate the beauty of 2STGNC+ lives. We have felt the loss of members of our community directly. These last few years have not been easy as we continue to have to advocate for lived equity in Oklahoma.
Freedom Oklahoma's heART of the work means to create space for creativity, sharing our hopes and fears, and lean into healing together. There will be space for folks to share (speech, spoken word/poetry, etc) as well as singing, performers, art stations, and a gallery space. We will be launching a community made zine in honor of Nex Benedict as well as our annual launch of our Love Letters to Trans Oklahomans zine. This event is free, and food will be provided. We look forward to sharing in community and care with you!
c3 Update
We want to continue to keep you updated on the process for restoration of our c3 status. If this sounds like news to you, you can read our initial information shared about our status from September, here:
At present, we are in the final stages of reviewing all of the paperwork required for submission. We hope to have that finalized and in the mail by the beginning of next week at the latest. Then, everything will be in the hands of the IRS for the process to continue. While there's some variability on the timeline of the process on their end, we are still confident that we will have a favorable decision coming our way, soon.
And, while we wait for that restoration, we continue to be so grateful for The Third Space Foundation for their fiscal sponsorship. This has allowed us to avoid gaps in our ability to accept support towards our mission and goals. Their support allows us to continue to accept grants and donations while we await reinstatement. You can give to support our work through The Third Space Foundation here:
Beyond the retroactive pieces of the work, we continue our work with Oklahoma Nonprofit Partners for accounting services, and are excited on the work we're doing to build systems that best serve the longevity of this work. We’ll have continued updates for you and information across platforms. And, as always, if you have questions for us or feedback around how we're communicating this process, please don't hesitate to reach out at
Freedom Futures Gala
What does the future hold? We’re excited to imagine, organize, and build that future together with you. Keep an eye out across Freedom Oklahoma channels for more details about saving the date for our first-ever Freedom Futures Gala, coming to you in February 2025.