Freedom Oklahoma Statement on Protests at Norman High Schools

October 21, 2022

OKLAHOMA CITY –SB 615 passed without any guidelines for its enforcement, but we knew there would be a very real possibility that it could lead to gender policing and harassment of transgender, Two Spirit, and gender nonconforming young people. But our concerns were brushed off. Yesterday’s reports out of Norman Public Schools suggest those concerns were valid. NPS students are being harassed by school staff on their way to and from the bathroom, and transgender students are being denied access to bathrooms. In response, Freedom Oklahoma issued the following statement: 

The following is attributable to Nicole McAfee, Freedom Oklahoma Executive Director: 

“Oklahoma students deserve a welcoming school environment that fosters spaces for them to learn and grow, no matter where in the state their campus is located or what their gender is. However, as a result of SB 615, students at some Norman Public Schools campuses are facing discrimination and harassment from school staff, being denied access to bathroom facilities, based on their gender or perceived gender. We know these are not the only campuses where this is happening. 

Today, we applaud the students rallying in support of transgender, Two Spirit, and gender nonconforming students at Norman High Schools, and the brave folks leading that charge. SB 615 is unconstitutional and its impact on students’ health, well-being, and safety must be addressed.

To the trans, Two Spirit, and gender diverse kids who find themselves ostracized, outed, and harassed by schools choosing compliance with unconstitutional state policy over your rights and your well-being: you deserve better than this. You deserve safety and celebration. No law changes the fact that you deserve the opportunity to go to school and use the bathroom without incident and learn and live here, and without bullying by grown adults who are supposed to represent you. 2SLGBTQ+ people have always been here. We have used the bathrooms that correspond with our gender in schools, in Norman, and everywhere else. We deserve the dignity to do just that. We deserve the safety to thrive here in Oklahoma. We have said it before, and we will say it again, this fight is not over and we won’t stop until all 2SLGBTQ+ kids are safe.”

Nicole McAfee: they/she*

*While a mix of pronouns can look different for each person, for Nicole, this can look like either the sole use of they/them/their pronouns, or a mix of they/them/their AND she/her(s) pronouns. It’s best practice when provided with multiple pronouns to ask each individual how that’s best reflected in coverage of them. 

We know that stories amplifying attacks on 2SLGBTQ+ people have a measurable negative impact on mental health. We ask that stories covering this topic include information to access 2SLGBTQ+ affirming mental health support, such as
Trans Lifeline (877-565-8860), the Trevor Project (call 1-866-488-7386 or text START to 678-678), and the LGBT Hotline (888-843-4564).



November 2022 Update


The fight to protect health care for trans kids is not over