Freedom Oklahoma Statement on Hostile Environment Legislation Passed in the House, SB 615

April 29, 2022

OKLAHOMA CITY – In an ongoing deadline day session, the Oklahoma House took advantage of several members' absence from the floor to push through an amended version of SB 615. As amended, SB 615 expands the targeted harm to trans, Two Spirit, and nonbinary kids, within the context of creating hostile environments for all 2SLGBTQ+ students in Oklahoma schools. An amendment to an amendment adopted restored title to the bill, invalidating the automatic adoption of the emergency. The bill will now go to the Senate, where amendments can be rejected or the harm advanced to the Governor. In response, Freedom Oklahoma issued the following statement:

The following is attributable to Nicole McAfee, Freedom Oklahoma Executive Director:

“Oklahoma kids deserve to grow up in school environments that encourage learning and personal growth. But the Oklahoma House seems intent on ensuring that schools are hostile environments for 2SLGBTQ+ students, who now face bullying from their elected officials in addition to disproportionately being the targets of bullying by their peers. There is no part of this legislation that is redeemable.

This bill chills speech, creating arbitrary bureaucratic barriers for school districts that force educators to either skip critical lessons or navigate a pre-approval process for lessons that are well within the necessary scope of education. SB 615 threatens to censor educators and classroom conversations, widening the education gap for Oklahoma students.

This bill will also make school counselors unsafe contacts for 2SLGBTQ+ students, creating scenarios where a conversation in confidence could result in students being outed to parents or guardians, regardless of how dangerous that may be for the student. It would also force trans students to be outed at school, targeting their ability to continue using the bathroom as needed, relegating them to either separate facilities or creating scenarios where trans girls may be forced to use a bathroom with boys. We know this bill is unconstitutional at several points. We know it violates Title IX. We know it could very well create Title II violations. Ultimately, it will cost the state hundreds of millions in business dollars, unimaginable costs in litigation and attorney fees, further brain drain as educators, school administrators, and school counselors refuse to be complicit in this harm, and very likely the lives of some of the most vulnerable children in our state.

We’ll be clear. This legislation changes nothing in the day-to-day. This is not permission for schools to begin violating the Constitution or Title IX. Trans students cannot be targeted for their gender. They have every right to use the bathroom that matches their gender.

To all of the trans, Two Spirit, nonbinary, gender diverse, lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and broader spectrum of kids who are exploring their gender and sexuality: you are valid, you deserve safety in your school and everywhere else, and you are loved beyond measure by a community that is so grateful you exist. 2SLGBTQ+ people have always been here. We have used the bathrooms that correspond with our gender in schools, at the Capitol, and everywhere else. We deserve that access. We deserve the safety to thrive here. It is a shame our Representatives are so committed to bullying Oklahoma kids. We hope the Senate will show more concern for protecting their most vulnerable constituents..”

We know that stories amplifying attacks on 2SLGBTQ+ people have a measurable negative impact on mental health. If you need to access 2SLGBTQ+ affirming mental health support, contact Trans Lifeline (877-565-8860), the Trevor Project (call 1-866-488-7386 or text START to 678-678), and the LGBT Hotline (888-843-4564).


May 2022 Update


The Oklahoma House Prepares to Introduce Another Attack on trans, Two Spirit, and nonbinary kids