A letter of transparency to our Freedom Oklahoma community

To our Freedom Oklahoma Community:

I’m writing to inform you about an important update regarding Freedom Oklahoma’s 501(c)(3) status and to assure you of our ongoing commitment to transparency and accountability.

It came to our attention that, due to a filing failure by a previous CPA and lack of prompt remedy by our then contracted accountant, our organization's tax filings, though prepared, were not submitted to the IRS. Unfortunately, this oversight resulted in Freedom Oklahoma being placed on the IRS's automatic revocation list for 501(c)(3) organizations, meaning that Freedom Oklahoma’s 501(c)(3) status is currently revoked. 

The utmost priority of Freedom Oklahoma is ensuring the incredible work on the ground across the state continues, as we work to create opportunity and community for all 2SLGBTQ+ Oklahomans, building the future where we all have the safety to thrive. Our scheduled programming will continue as planned, and we’re working with urgency to ensure a remedy to the situation. 

We have engaged outside counsel who has expertise in this work, and is guiding us through the process of tax status restoration. Based on all we have been able to glean about the reasons for revocation, we anticipate that our 501(c)(3) status will be retroactively reinstated, though we know the timeline of bureaucracy means we could be impacted over the next several months. 

As our official reinstatement application is submitted and we have more information, we will continue to provide you with updates. 

What this means in the immediate term and what accountability looks like for us going forward: 

Donations Already Made: 

All donations made prior to the revocation remain eligible for tax deduction and there are no changes on that front.

Ongoing Operations:

We are able to continue operating, and plan to continue our vital work on behalf of 2SLGBTQ+ Oklahomans. We are working for a reinstatement path with retroactive application, meaning there would retroactively be no gap in our 501(c)(3) status. And, in the interim, we’ve secured fiscal sponsorship through Third Space Foundation, to ensure there are no gaps. 

Regular Updates:

We are committed to keeping you informed throughout this process. We will provide regular updates on the status of our reinstatement efforts. 

Looking Forward:

To ensure this situation does not occur again, we are implementing new safeguards involving both our Executive Director and our Board of Directors. These measures are designed to strengthen our financial oversight and accountability, furthering our mission with the utmost integrity. This includes posting our 990s on our website annually so that everyone can see that we have done our due diligence as far as getting and maintaining on track with our filing. Securing a new accountant. And being transparent in this process and resolution. 

Finally, I will note that I feel deep shame around having to share this news, and that is a feeling and responsibility I have to own. I have been sitting in what it means to expose the community to this potential harm, and how that impact is real despite my intentions. For that I am deeply sorry. I’ve found myself upset, angry, frustrated, sad, hopeless–a full spectrum of emotional responses in the last several days. I know a lot of you, rightfully, are reflecting some of those same feelings back on to me. Further, I know for a lot of our community, the shame related to financial systems, and our punitive tax system specifically, especially resonates. I know apology is not enough, but I hope as we begin to work to address this harm and reinstate our tax status, you will accept my apologies as a first step and commitment to repair and to the future of this work in Oklahoma. 

Last month marked three years in this role for me, and they have been some of the most challenging three years of my life; it is so worth it because of the way I get to do this work, and the people I get to do this work with. This work demands constant expertise and skill building, and it's a vulnerable but critical part of the work to trust some of the areas beyond my skillset to other experts. And, that trust requires better follow up and management on my part to make sure it is earned and maintained. 

I am working on how to make myself most available in the weeks and months ahead to hear from you. We welcome your unfiltered feelings and feedback as a start. Please feel free to send those to info@freedomoklahoma.org, and as we urgently commit to this as a priority, I will work to respond to questions, concerns, and needs as much as I am able. 

Thank you for your partnership in this work, your honesty, and room for growth as we work for a solution.

In Solidarity,

Nicole McAfee

P.S. We’ll note that in the immediate aftermath of this news, we have learned how many other colleagues in this work have undergone a similar situation. We hope by sharing this information and updates, not only are we staying rooted in our value of transparency, but that we may be a resource to anyone else facing a similar situation. If we can be of any additional support to your nonprofit as you navigate a situation such as this, please do not hesitate to reach out. We’ll do our best to share everything we’ve learned.


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