No Rule or rhetoric can change our commitment to 2stgnc+ liberation
Yesterday, both chambers of the Oklahoma Legislature gaveled in for organizational day. This day, which happens annually, is largely perceived to be ceremonial. They formally adopt rules, they do the official vote to recognize chamber leadership, they call it a day.
In recent years, this day was marked by debate from Rep Mauree Turner, who raised the continued exclusion of themself from the already arbitrary and classist dress code, which is written only in the terms of binary gender. This year, it seemed none of their former colleagues would champion that effort with them no longer in the Legislature. But what did raise eyebrows was a freshman member of the House of Representatives, seemingly eager to make a name for herself and her explicit hatred of trans folks, who introduced an amendment, ultimately adopted by the chamber, that bans transgender women, some 2STGNC+ folks, and some intersex folks, from accessing the bathrooms specifically designated for women members of the House of Representatives. The amendment, as approved, now exists in the final version of HR 1002.
Image Description: a screenshot of a floor amendment to HR 1002 by Molly Jenkins, which amends rule 5.2 on page 20 of the 2025 House of Representatives session rules by excluding 2STGNC+ folks from using bathroom facilities designated for members of the House of Representatives.
With the lowest number of openly 2SLGBTQ+ members serving in the Oklahoma legislature in recent history, none of whom currently are openly 2STGNC+ and impacted by this policy, the rule is mostly performative. Another way to indicate that trans folks, especially trans women, are not respected as whole humans deserving of dignity by the members of our Oklahoma Legislature. Unfortunately for the freshman member hoping to make headlines by enshrining this newest anti-trans rhetoric into House operating procedure, the years of rampant attacks and policies that have limited our rights and safety have already made that very clear to our community.
This may be the first piece of anti-trans legislation entertained by the Oklahoma Legislature this year, but we're unfortunately certain it won't be the last. And, as much as lawmakers work to create hostile environments for 2STGNC+ folks, it doesn't change the fact that we have always been and will always be in Oklahoma. And we'll keep fighting, even in spaces where the hatred of us is enshrined in explicit policy, for the future where we all have the safety to thrive. No one can deprive us of our dignity.
This year, we're ready to wake up and fight, for our dreams, our dream spaces, and our collective liberation. And no rule or rhetoric can change that.