2022 Oklahoma Book Ban BINGO

Image description: 2022 Oklahoma Book Ban BINGO #FOKBookBingo22 (from top to bottom)

B: Checked out from your local library | Featured on the list of 50+ books AG O'Connor's office investigated | Nonfiction 2SLGBTQ+ representation | Written by a Two Spirit author | Something new to you about 2SLGBTQ+ history, advocacy, or activism

I: Written by a 2SLGBTQ+ author | Book cover contains 2SLGBTQ+ imagery | Book for kids with 2SLGBTQ+ representation | Cited in a press release, story, or debate around SB 1142 | 2SLGBTQ+ essay, short story, or art collection

N: Features a character who is Two Spirit, transgender, or nonbinary | An audiobook or digital book | Read any book | 2SLGBTQ+ coming of age story | A book groups have fought to ban because of 2SLGBTQ+ representation

G: Is on the American Library Association's Top 10 Most Challenged Books List | Author (or main character) has a disability | Features character(s) that uses pronouns other than she/her(s) or he/him/his | Has been considered for removal from a library by an Oklahoma school board | Recommended by a Freedom Oklahoma staffer

O: Includes protest against policing as a major plot point | Includes discussion of gender, beyond a binary | BIPOC author from Oklahoma | 2SLGBTQ+ romance | considered obscene by the expanded definition in HB 4013

There's a long history of banning and criminalizing 2SLGBTQ+ media. Unfortunately, this year, the Oklahoma Legislature is doubling down on those efforts. We’re pushing back on these policies grounded in fear and ignorance with knowledge. Join us in exploring the history of these efforts, and lifting up recommendations with #FOKBookBingo22. While we fight the ignorance of these policies, we can also engage in some collective advocacy and education by growing our reading lists with a book or two that our legislators would rather see banned.

Across social media (and beyond!) share out your recommendations, newest favorites, and Book BINGO progress with #FOKBookBingo22. We'll be amplifying those efforts, and sharing out some recommendations of our own! Whether you’re building your spring break reading list, or need some inspiration after finishing Metro Library OK winter reading BINGO, join us as we fight ignorance with a pile of books!

Brief History:


Freedom Oklahoma Statement on Oklahoma Christian University


Oklahoma Legislature Continues Attacks on Transgender Youth